In celebration of America’s 200-Year (Bicentennial) Celebration, the Currier & Ives Scenic Byway was designated in 1976 as one of several picturesque New Hampshire “Yankee Trails.”
In 1991, the United States Federal Highway Administration established the National Scenic Byways Program to recognize outstanding roads for their intrinsic archaeological, historical, cultural, natural, scenic, and recreational qualities. In 1992, the State of New Hampshire adopted a Scenic and Cultural Byways System under RSA 238:19 to:
“Provide the opportunity for residents and visitor to travel a system of byways which feature the scenic and cultural qualities of the state within the existing highway system, promote retention of rural and urban scenic byways, support the cultural , recreational, and historic attributes along the byways and expose the unique elements of the state’s beauty, culture, and history.”
In 1994, the Currier & Ives Scenic Byway became a state-designated Scenic and Cultural Byway.
Currier & Ives Scenic Byway Council
In early 2009, the Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission received a federal grant to help develop and adopt a Corridor Management Plan (see below) for the Currier & Ives Scenic Byway. This was a year-long effort that joined many segments of the communities together. As recommended by the Plan, a permanent Scenic Byway Council was formed. The Currier & Ives Scenic Byway Council is composed of Selectmen as well as members of local, regional, and state agencies, committees, and organizations. They play an advisory-only role and their purpose is to promote the Byway, encourage collaboration among the towns along the route, and to advocate for corridor-wide protection and improvement efforts. The Currier & Ives Scenic Byway Council meets quarterly and all meetings are open to the public. The Byway Council Meeting agendas and minutes can be seen here.
Bylaws of the Currier and Ives Scenic Byway – A Nonprofit Corporation
Currier & Ives Scenic Byway Corridor Management Plan
Our Logo
The Currier & Ives Scenic Byway logo was created in 2011 by Autumn Monsees and Jessica Yule, students at New England College in Henniker. The Currier & Ives Scenic Byway Council thanks them for their work.
Selected photographs on this website appear courtesy of the artist JAAX.
The Currier & Ives Scenic Byway Council wholeheartedly thanks the businesses, organizations, and individuals who have made financial or in-kind donations to support the Byway’s activities.
Donations are always welcome and help to support the Byway Council’s activities. Checks may be made payable to “Currier & Ives Scenic Byway” and mailed to:
Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission
Attn: Currier & Ives Scenic Byway
28 Commercial Street, Suite 3
Concord, NH 03301
CNHRPC staff time to support the Currier & Ives Scenic Byway, including design and maintenance of this website, is provided through CNHRPC’s Unified Planning Work Program, funded by the NH Department of Transportation.